This is a personal blog which I made to share information with members of my family and other interested parties, as a tribute to my ancestors—artist Donatus Buongiorno and others.I, Janice Carapellucci, created all of the content at this site—including its graphic design, words, and research of original content—as a self-financed personal project, and I pay fees to third-party vendors to publish it electronically and make it available online. I have been working on this project for more than 10 years, and if anyone is ever going to make a buck off this content, it will be me. As such, I have terms of use, otherwise known as “rules for visitors.”
The entire website of, including pictures, graphic design, and written content, is copyrighted by the author-publisher Janice Carapellucci and may not be reproduced in any form, in any media, without written permission from the same. That includes “personal” uses, educational uses by students or instructors, not-for-profit uses, etc. “In any media” means electronic, online, printed brochures, books, slide shows, presentations, etc.
Photographs on this site are by Janice Carapellucci, unless otherwise noted. All images not owned by Janice Carapellucci are copyrighted by their authors, creators and/or owners and are used with permission—which may be extendable to you, see below. Certain images, including the portrait of the artist and many of his paintings, are available for licensing (paid use) as “stock photos.” Please contact the author to inquire.
I am eager to publicize my project and have other people see Donatus Buongiorno’s paintings. In certain circumstances, I might be willing to share my content to make this happen, but only with prior permission. Send me an e-mail describing your proposed use. I will probably say “yes,” including for free in certain situations.
Before you proceed without asking, keep the following in mind:
“Borrowing” without asking is stealing.
“Giving me credit” does not give you license to use (steal) my content—words or images.
Non-profit and personal uses are not legitimate justifications for using (stealing) my content—words or images. Just because your business or activity doesn’t make a profit, doesn’t mean you can assume permission to steal assets from other people to run it.
Special note to Tumblr fans; “Do not steal” does not mean, “don’t reblog or repost without giving me credit.” It means do not use my images at all, including linking and re-posting, without my permission.
ASK. I will probably say “yes,” but you must ask. Rather than sue you, I would much prefer to engage with you and hear how your project triggered your interest in my project.
Most of the photographs on this site were taken by me or by my family members. We own them and retain copyright to them. A few are by others and are used with their permission.
As you can see from the extensive credits, links, and attributions associated with photographs that are not mine, I have made all reasonable efforts to ensure that photographs on this website, including of images of works of art, are reproduced with the permission of the copyright holders. If I have made any errors, they are inadvertent—please let me know.
Also, the copyright status of some photographs is unclear; I welcome any information regarding the identity of relevant copyright holders and will reply promptly to a request for identification, credit, link, or take-down, as needed.
By posting my “rules,” I give myself permission to lock you out if you don’t obey them.
This is a personal blog which I set up to share information with my family members and other interested parties as a tribute to our ancestors, artist Donatus Buongiorno and others.
My intent is to have fun and learn more about my family. Anyone who impinges on either activity, especially the fun part, risks being blocked.
Comments: Keep it polite. Keep it professional. No Spam, no trolls, no idiots. Most people know when they are behaving badly. Please don’t be one of them.
Commenters retain copyright to their written comments which will not be re-used by the author without gaining the writer’s permission—if the commenter is identified. Commenters who post anonymously lose all rights to their words.
I use a commercially available template created for, hosted at a third-party internet service provider whom I pay. I have access to usage statistics provided by WordPress, but that’s it. I don’t actively or intentionally collect any data on anyone who uses/visits the site, and I don’t resell data to anyone. If you discover something going on that I don’t know about, please let me know.
Are prints available for Four Boys Playing Cards ? It brings back memories of an old Italian Club in the East Village of NYC in the 1950’s.Where I saw a series of about four prints show these boys in various phases of cheating and being caught .I was only 10 years old however when I see the Dogs Playing Cards I think of the Boys Playing Cards
[email protected]
Hi, Carl: Thanks for stopping by! I don’t have prints of that painting, and I’ve lost touch with its owner (emails bounce back) to pursue it for you, so sorry. Janice